On May 24, 2011, at 01:48, Thomas Narten wrote:

> The one downside is that you run DHCP even if there are no DHCP
> servers. In some environments, that is extra traffic

... and an extra attack (if you happen to have RA-guard but no protection for 
Maybe not that much of a difference, but still a thing to take note of.

The extra traffic is a little more interesting in constrained node/networks 
(e.g., 6LoWPAN).
I think we will continue to use the M bit for gating DHCP.
(See section 3.2 of draft-ietf-6lowpan-nd-15.txt for details of how we do this.)
Maybe our needs are not relevant for the ND-classic spec, but this is just one 
more data point.

Gruesse, Carsten

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