>>>>> "Ted" == Ted Lemon <ted.le...@nominum.com> writes:
    >> So, we have assumed that a 802.11p sniffer sitting in Times Square can
    >> sniff the prefix used by passing vehicles.  If I put another sniffer
    >> outside Wrigley Field, I can do correlation... how does knowing the VIN
    >> help me?  I already know it is the same car.

    Ted> Yes, indeed, this seems to argue for vehicles renumbering on a
    Ted> regular basis, at least on the prefix that they are using to
    Ted> communicate with the outside world. 

I used two locations, but I assumed that whomever owns the road-side
lighting system has thousands of such sniffers.  

I think that imadali-its-vinipv6 is the wrong idea.  If it is useful for
a manufacturer to derive a subnet-ID from a VIN, that's fine, but I
think it's a private matter.  Let's write a BCP on how a manufacturer
might do this in a way such that the the VIN <-> subnet prefix mapping
is neither reversable, nor is it reproduceable.
(I.e. I can't get the VIN from the subnet-ID, and I also can't get the
subnet-ID from the VIN)

Only the manufacturer *might* know the mapping, and maybe we can write
the BCP such that the manufacturer can forget it too.  The manufacturer
likely goes to get RIR space just like any other Enterprise.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]     m...@sandelman.ca  http://www.sandelman.ca/        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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