On Apr 4, 2013, at 1:51 PM, Richard Roy <dick...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Furthermore, anonymity concerns and the simultaneous morphing of all content
> in these safety messages that could be used to infer behavior and violate
> privacy are being addressed within the IEEE 1609.2 and ETSI TC ITS security
> working groups (as well as in the SafetyPilot program in the US). 

That's good to hear, although are you addressing the IP layer privacy issues, 
or just the link layer issues?   It doesn't do us any good to have 
privacy-supporting link-layer addresses if we screw that up at the IP layer.

In any case, I think it's worth making sure that however this problem gets 
solved, we talk about it and describe how it is solved, even if how it is 
solved is "in this IEEE spec."

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