On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 07:35:18PM +0100, H wrote:
which Linux email client would you suggest to prune the consolidate email directories?

use mutt, then the de-duplication business boils down to typing 'D~=' in each folder (this does message-id based de-duplication, but that should be good enough).

i'm not entirely clear on what fate you intend for the backup. if you want to "replenish" your active primary account, then first make an isync clone of it (if you have none yet) and then move the mails from the backups into the clone (but make sure to strip the ,U=xxx infixes from the filenames first - this should be easy using `file-rename` (package 'rename' on debian) or krename). after the de-dupe, you can just isync --push the clone and you're done.

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