I am trying to consolidate multiple backups I have of several of my email 
accounts. The backups have all been made using isync but to different 
computers, thus different hostnames, and during different time periods.

In order to consolidate this mess and clear out duplicates of emails I have 
backed up I am thinking of the following:

-    Move all emails into one and the same directory structure on a new 
machine, ie matching email addresses and the cur/new/tmp structure when copying 
to this new machine.

-    With this consolidate email directory in place, use md5sum to find 

-    Delete any duplicates so there is only one copy of each md5sum matched 
email. This means that the hostname that is part of the email message filename 
will vary among all the different emails.

-    Find a suitable email program that I can use on this server backup to 
prune any emails I do not want to save for posterity.

-    I should now have one clean and pruned email backup.

To the above I can add that I normally use Thunderbird to manage my emails on 
the external email server. I do realize I need to use some other Linux email 
client when pruning the consolidated email backup.

Does the above make sense? If so, which Linux email client would you suggest to 
prune the consolidate email directories?

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