On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 07:35:18PM +0100, H wrote:
> I am trying to consolidate multiple backups I have of several of my email 
> accounts. The backups have all been made using isync but to different 
> computers, thus different hostnames, and during different time periods.
> In order to consolidate this mess and clear out duplicates of emails I have 
> backed up I am thinking of the following:
> -    Move all emails into one and the same directory structure on a new 
> machine, ie matching email addresses and the cur/new/tmp structure when 
> copying to this new machine.
> -    With this consolidate email directory in place, use md5sum to find 
> duplicates.

 This plan is expected to fail. Read, for example:
> Does the above make sense? If so, which Linux email client would you suggest 
> to prune the consolidate email directories?

 Mutt may be used, and for deduplication too:
 Eugene Berdnikov

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