On 03/14/2023 08:13 PM, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 07:35:18PM +0100, H wrote:
>> which Linux email client would you suggest to prune the consolidate email 
>> directories?
> use mutt, then the de-duplication business boils down to typing 'D~=' in each 
> folder (this does message-id based de-duplication, but that should be good 
> enough).
> i'm not entirely clear on what fate you intend for the backup. if you want to 
> "replenish" your active primary account, then first make an isync clone of it 
> (if you have none yet) and then move the mails from the backups into the 
> clone (but make sure to strip the ,U=xxx infixes from the filenames first - 
> this should be easy using `file-rename` (package 'rename' on debian) or 
> krename). after the de-dupe, you can just isync --push the clone and you're 
> done.
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I have never used mutt - do I install it on one of my workstations and then 
access theĀ  mail backup directory on the server over whatever suitable 
connection? Or, do I install it on my server and run it there after ssh-ing 
into the server?

I have cloned the emails on my current email server to a backup "up-to-date 
clone" and this is the one I want to copy other, older backups into in order to 
consolidate my current mess. When you say ",U=xxx" infixes does this include 
the entire ",Uxxx:y,S/RS" part of the filename?

If I understand you correctly I need to remove this infix part from each file 
in the older backup directories /before/ folding them into the "up-to-date 
clone"? This means that the message files in the "up-to-date clone" will still 
have the infix part in the filename whereas the message files pushed from older 
mail backups into that directory will not. Of what importance is this infix 
part of the filename?

I intend to have it as a backup and be able to do the following:

- Push messages back to my separate external email server should that ever be 

- Push messages some new external email server in the future.

- Access it from mutt with whatever capabilities mutt gives me.

IOW, this is my main, authoritative email backup to be maintained as such 

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