On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 08:37:27PM +0100, H wrote:
I have never used mutt - do I install it on one of my workstations and then access theĀ  mail backup directory on the server over whatever suitable connection?

via imap. possible, but i wouldn't do that.

Or, do I install it on my server and run it there after ssh-ing into the server?

also possible, and if the server's mail store is directly supported by mutt, you could access it that way - at the risk of messing it up. an imap connection to localhost would be safer.

but the way i'd recommend is to install it on the machine with the primary backup and use it to access the isync'd maildir directly. isync was originally written by the same guy as mutt, to be used together. as i do to this day.

When you say ",U=xxx" infixes does this include the entire ",Uxxx:y,S/RS" part of the filename?

no. in perl terms, /,U=\d+/

If I understand you correctly I need to remove this infix part from each file in the older backup directories /before/ folding them into the "up-to-date clone"? This means that the message files in the "up-to-date clone" will still have the infix part in the filename whereas the message files pushed from older mail backups into that directory will not.


Of what importance is this infix part of the filename?

these are unique message ids added by isync. they are mailbox-specific, so you need to remove them from moved in "foreign" messages.

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