Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen_at_gmx.de_brittander...@duck.com> writes:

> which "fetch" issue in particular are you referring to?

IMAP error: bogus FETCH response

This is mentioned in several mails on the list, and I believe there is
one  that says you have a fix in master, but were waiting to release
because of two regressions.

When I upgraded from 1.4.4 to master I no longer experienced the imap
error of bogus fetch response.

>>What do you advise for diagnosing which message is the offender
> run with -D ...
>> (the debug output is copious and the UIDs cited there don't often
>> seem to numerically relate to the UIDs in my saved messages),
> the two sides have different uids. the ones appearing in the imap
> stream don't match the local mailboxes. the complete output contains
> the local (or more precisely, near-side) uids as well, and their
> pairings with remote (far-side) ones.

I saw the pairs, but there was no element with the same UID as the error
message about the socket error. Do the UID in the error reports come
from elsewhere as well? For example, something related to davmail or the
microsoft exchange server I am talking to? And would it be helpful
knowing that number for isolating the offending email?

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