On Sun, 26 Aug 2001 01:56, Alex Fernández wrote:
> Peter Donald wrote:
> > Apaches software is free software (in both senses of word) - it is just
> > not copyleft.
> Not necessarily in both senses. 

Err ... yes it is. 

It is "Free as in beer" - anyone can download it at no cost. It also is "Free 
as in speech" because it satisfies the generally accepted axioms of free 
software (see FSF/GNU or Debian web pages for definitions and 
classifications). Even GNU explicitly classifies Apache software as Free 

It is also not copyleft (see above references for details).

> The license allows you to, e.g., burn Tomcat on CDs and sell them for $100.

You can burn gcc/linux/emacs/etc on CD and sell them for $100 aswell ... so 
what exactly is your point? hmm.

> > > I'm in the business to make money off of Open Source. I believe in
> > > Open, not Free.
> >
> > Hey - I don't much like copyleft anymore either and I am all for money
> > making off OSS. I still can't see how your claim that LGPL could cause
> > legal issues is substantiated though.
> You can make money off free software. Just go to every company that uses
> Weblogic or iPlanet where Tomcat would do, and make them buy your
> freshly made CDs;
> you can make a lot of money this way :)
> On the other hand, you can also sell GPL'ed products. That's what RedHat
> does.

So what is your point?

> I'm not trying to instruct you with these obvious comments, since you
> are surely aware of these facts; it's just that your post can mislead
> other people. That is not fair.

Uh huh. I would love to see how you could claim any of the statements are 
misleading in context. Maybe it could be with respect to your 
misunderstanding of the word Free ?



* "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind, *
* and proving that there is no need to do so - almost *
* everyone gets busy on the proof."                   *
*              - John Kenneth Galbraith               *

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