Excellent episode as always :)

1/ At some point Joe and also Dick if I'm not mistaken say that Google
shouldn't say that the law suit is against Open Source and that saying
so is purely a PR move.
But since Android is based on the Apache Harmony Project, don't you
think it *is* fair to say that therefore, attacking Android is also
attacking Apache Harmony? (And thus, "the Open Source community"?)
IANAL but it seems that at least some of the patents they claim
concern the 'Harmony' part of Android - and so, if they win the law
suit, what does it mean for Harmony?

2/ At some point it was said that the Apache Harmony Project passed
the SE TCK (that it is certified Java SE), but not the ME TCK because
of the Field of Use restriction.
But if I understand correctly (feel free to correct me) Harmony didn't
pass the Java SE 5 TCK (cf: http://www.apache.org/jcp/sunopenletterfaq.html)

3/ At some point it was said that what Google did was no different
from what Microsoft did (re. the 1997 Sun vs Microsoft case).
But this *was* different, the 1997 lawsuit was about "trademark
infringement, false advertising, breach of contract, unfair
competition, interference with prospective economic advantage, and
inducing breach of contract".
Basically Microsoft called their version of Java "Java" and they
didn't have the right to do so (by contract).
But - and I think Dick knows this all too well ;) - Google made sure
to be very careful to not call their version "Java". And so all they
could find was silly (imho) patents claims (actually this case is also
a Copyright one but it seems we don't know much details about this

Just my two euro-cents ;)


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