Firstly my argument was not about technicalities. Googles statement that it
was an attack on open source was hypocritical because they want to gain from
open source and took advantage of "free" java but when it was their turn to
cough up the cash they did everything but. Im not sure if its business or an
American thing but it seems you forget to about being human which is
sometimes mostly about doing the right thing regardless of what the law
says. Overall most companies forget that simple fact. All im saying is given
all the business benefits and money they made and hope to make from java and
Android, it was their turn to chip and help the community. In this case like
I said before they should have been ebenevolent and bought Sun.

Too me its like taking an open source library, making lots of cash and never
even giving the authors a donation. Yes its legal but its overall, its

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