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On 9/7/10 10:10 , Miroslav Pokorny wrote:
> Too me its like taking an open source library, making lots of cash
> and never even giving the authors a donation. Yes its legal but
> its overall, its disappointing.
I don't disagree on the whole, but the problem here is clearly
separating the legal vs moral spheres. When we talk about individuals,
it might make sense of talking of moral. When we talk about
corporates, it doesn't. I find pretty natural for each corporate
(especially the larger ones) to push the limit of what they can do as
far as they get to the legal boundary. It's certainly not only an
"american" thing. I don't argue that, and that's for this reason that
I think that, on the whole, there's no big difference between Oracle
and Google. In other words, it's business. Of course, we're free to
apply moral categories to corporates, but it sounds pretty useless to
me, as everybody has got his own personal perspective (and one might
always recall that corporates have got a _moral_ obligation to
increase the ROI of stock holders as much as they can).

That's why I prefer to think of the ongoing war merely in terms of
what it could bring, of positive or negative, to me and the community.

- -- 
Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici - www.tidalwave.it/people
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