On Sep 7, 2:31 am, Miroslav Pokorny <miroslav.poko...@gmail.com>
> In the end i am more disappointed in Google than Oracle. I know I got a good
> deal and lot of gifts from Sun and I did not help contribute my bit to keep
> their guardianship of Java going by sponsoring or contributing back to their
> business. I suppose I am one of the many millions of "parasites" who is now
> complaining because some worry the "free" ride may be over.

Ah but then you can be happy that now you can contribute back by
buying very expensive Oracle database licences. Sun's failure to
capitalize is not necessarily tied to Java being open source. Are
there really any software shops who would not be willing to pay for
state-of-the-art tools, good documentation etc., I doubt it. In any
even, Sun maintained that the Java side was profitable.

>If Google really
> loved Open Source why didnt they do the benevolent thing and just buy and
> sponsor Java development into the future, when they had the opportunity.

That's what many of us hoped, primarily because Google seems to have
the drive and the money to move the art forward.

> Truth be told they tried to be smart playing legal with lots of laywers and
> know its come back to bite them.

Lots of lawyers? Could you explain?

> They tried to be cheap and avoid
> contributing back to the community by coughing up the one thing the
> community or Sun really needed - the cash. Its not as if Google dont have
> the money, they always seem to have money and millions of it to buy some
> advertising related company, aka Double click.

I don't think Google owes Sun, they may piggyback of the language
syntax but 1) Oracle has nothing in their portfolio that rivals
Android and 2) for many years Google have indeed contributed back by
means of JSR's and experts like Bloch, Gafter etc. You insinuate they
tried to be cheap, albeit by all accounts the design behind Android
was primarily driven by technical and economical considerations. It's
possible we don't know the full story, Fabrizio Giudici among others
have hinted at that. Hopefully we will know soon.

> Too me I think of my parents,
> im never going to make money buy helping them out as they get older, nor is
> it ever a business opportunity, but after all they have given me its only
> the honourable thing to help them when they need anything or something.

See that's very noble though a little bit too emotional a metaphor for
me. The fact remains that parents get old and eventually fail to
sustain their own livelihood. And to continue this rather morbid
comparison, I know that my parents would prefer me to move on with my
life rather than stay behind for their sake. If Java was truly open,
we would not even be talking about this parenting thing, we would be
talking about our brothers and sisters in the community.

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