Let's just be real, a conservative in this country
is not to be compared in any way to a conservative of
the Islamic vein practiced by Bin Laden.  Even looking
to hate mongers, bigoted hypocrites like Falwell,
Reed, Robertson ... and as I think of each one now to
name they can never compare to Binny Baby!  However,
they have some very extreme misguided followers who
misinterpret or create their own agenda, based on what
these leaders say and imply.  Although most days I
wouldn't defend these leaders one iota, I am still
looking to find more common ground and searching for
peaceful solutions wherever they may be hiding these
Also in further defense of Kakki, not that she needs
it.  I have my own interpretation of Kakki's ideology.
 I think everyone has theirs of mine and others who
speak up politically here.  But be very careful &
clear about the word conservative, it has become as
ugly as liberal was made to be in the 80's.  One size
does not fit all.  Conservatives of the 70's, were not
the religious laced, Christian Crusaders that we have
trying to invoke religion into our constitution and
threatening individual rights.  I found Kakki to be a
compassionate, sharing, excepting human, I doubt she
harbors any prejudice.  I think anyone would want her
as a friend or on their team, I know anyone who has
met her does not doubt her in the least.  
 There really are several different types or levels of
conservative.  You know many conservatives, are really
much more Libertarian in their beliefs ... something I
personally can live much more comfortably with.  They
may not always appear as compassionate as I would
like, but this form of conservatism is pretty
unbiased.  While on the other hand religious fanatics
or racists or right wing militants, normally have hate
or bigotry or greed driving them.  I just ask that if
you're going to throw labels around on this list you
really know what you're talking about, so nobody gets
hurt. And secondly lets be aware of our real enemies,
let there be no witch hunt from either side of the
aisle, not only at his time in our history, but ever.
  Okay done running my mouth off for a bit ...
  Susan Guzzi

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