colin asked:

> How would you that? I have often wondered >this. I know I couldn't leave
this country no >matter what. Laws of other countreis make >that impossible.
Where would you go legally >as an American citizen? Can you somehow by >pass
the laws of other countries? Do >American citizens have different rights
than the >rest of the world? You couldn't come here, >unless you married a
Brit(sorry I am taken).
> Or would you leave everything behind and be >a penniless refugee?

Well, I thought there was still legal emigration to several countries in
this world.  You have to apply for it, but it is really not that difficult
for an American to emigrate to a number of countries. You have to show that
you can support yourself and not have a criminal record, but that isn't an
impossible barrier. I've actually considered it seriously myself a few
times.  Isn't is also easy for you to emigrate to all the countries in the
British Commonwealth, too?

> Leaving your own country is not easy-unless >you are a Doctor or some
other needed >profession. Although I know of a lorry driver >who is
emigrating to Canada
> because Canada needs lorry drivers.

Of course it's not easy and probably not desireable to most people.  I just
don't understand how someone can grow up in a country, despise it on many
levels and still want to stay there.  If they despise it so much, then
living there shouldn't mean that much to them, especially if they see other
countries as far more desirable places to live. I think it's an honest
question.  If terrorists took over your country and started making you
adhere to their fundamentalism, would you still want to stay there?  Most
people would probably flee as fast as they could from their country rather
than live that way and many people from many countries have done just that
throughout the past couple centuries.


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