I am not sure who it is that despises one's country.

I despise some of our government's current policies.

The last election was waged in part by people who despised the policies of the
previous administration - those despises were the Republicans.  While I
wouldn't mind if all the Republicans left the country, I do not encourage it as
my father would have a hard time adjusting to a new country, and probably
wouldn't live long enough to become a citizen somewhere else and it would take
me a long time to travel to see him.

But as for despising one's country - who does that?  I may have a long list of
things that need to be corrected by my country, a long list of changes that I
think need to be made.  How many husbands and wives, how many parents and
children, have long lists of things they would change about the other?

I despise some of our government's current policies.  I love my country.  I
follow the tradition of Carl Schurz: "My Country! When right keep it right;
when wrong, set it right!"  Schurz was a Union general, US Senator, and Cabinet
member so I think I am safe in having Schurz as a role model.

Because I love my country, I vote in every election.  Last week the voter
turnout in my city was under 10%.  Kalamazoo had a huge turnout of 25%.

I think instead of worrying about who we should encourage to leave the country
because we think they despise our country, we ought to turn our  attention to
those who give lip service to loving our country and yet do not take part in
the essential act of any patriotic American who wants the nation to work:

Just my old radical opinion; don't mean a thing.

(the Rev) Vince

information on Schurz:

Kakki wrote:

> <clip> If terrorists took over your country and started making you
> adhere to their fundamentalism, would you still want to stay there?

actually yes; I would consider it my duty as an American to resist -
nonviolently, but resist in every way that would have meaning.  I am not one of
those "cut and run" people; this is my country.  I would have no qualms about
giving my life for my country.

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