colin wrote:

> Of course I don't disagree that there would be circumstances that would
make me
> really wnat to leave here. I am just saying that it isn't possible. No we
> go to Commonwealth countries just like that. Emigration is not simple and
> usually confined to professionals. I am not a professional and nor are
> people.

I didn't realize that.  I thought it was pretty easy to move from one to the
other for you, maybe because I thought it would be the same as with the U.S.
territories and Puerto Rico where we can pick up anytime and move there, no
problem, and likewise for them to come to the U.S.  I think France has the
same system with respect to their territories (I know they have another word
but can't think of it).

>I know you are a paralegal but which countries would allow you to go live
> them just because you wanted to? I guess my point is that many people may
not like the country they live in but
> cannot just upsticks and leave. It isn't feasible.

I could not just walk in them and set up but I know many people who have
moved very easily to Canada, Mexico and Australia.  A friend looked into New
Zealand, but I think you have to put up a lot of money to get in (so Hell
doesn't have to worry too much about us fleeing there ;-) That doesn't mean
that you automatically become a citizen but you have resident alien status
and can eventually apply for citizenship. Ireland has an interesting law,
too, which I'm not exactly clear on, but I think they give dual citizenship
for Americans who parents are Irish-born. The U.S. has a similar system for
immigrants. You have to apply and might want get some advice from an
immigration lawyer to help you. Some countries recruit for Americans, too,
and make it very easy to come and live there, often paying your way and
helping you get settled.  Many countries will take just about anyone who
will work as an English teacher.

Well if we all need to get out in a hurry, one of those nice island nations
is actually looking like a good option ;-)


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