>>Well, I thought there was still legal emigration to several countries in
this world.  You have to apply for it, but it is really not that difficult for
an American to emigrate to a number of countries. You have to show that you
can support yourself and not have a criminal record, but that isn't an
impossible barrier.<<

Legal to emigrate, Yes. Work permit? A little more difficult, I'm afraid. We
Europeans need Green cards to work in the US, and US citizens would need to go
through a similar process, although if you wanted to work here in Barcelona it
might take you a long time. As for professional or academic qualifications,
you would have another long wait there. I applied to have my degree recognised
by the Spanish Mystery (sic) of Education in 1995 and they rejected my
application last year (2000). The legislation says they are required to give a
decision in four months!! I know of Americans who started a new degree from
zero as it was quicker than having to wait for bureaucracy to sort it out.

As you (Kakki) are a lawyer (correct me if I'm wrong) you MAY have your
professional qualifications recognised but the legal system is very different.
You would have to learn a whole new lot of stuff.

And then there's the language issue. After getting your qualifications and
spending time learning the new laws as well as learning two new languages
(Spanish and Catalan) you may be ready to begin work, if you could learn to
live on 20% of what you probably earn at the moment.

Given all that, perhaps you might consider trying to change the
(Fundamentalist) system from within. It's less of a hassle.


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