Hi Kakki, I appreciate your thoughts on this, its just that I don't agree
with you. I am sure some of my anger seeps through regarding this issue so I
just want to be clear that this isn't aimed at you personally at all.

I believe we could & should have been converting decades ago & I also
believe that the money is always there for whatever is considered a
priority. There has been a short sightedness, a status quo- ness that have
kept things as they are. If alternative energy truly was a priority we'd be
up & running with it by now. There has been money to help the auto industry
when needed, money for space exploration, etc.

The money is there, the technology is there but the mindset has not been
there. I do see that things are slooooowly creeping towards alternative
energy but imo, its been a long time coming....

Kate Bennett
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