> I really don't see what the above has to with
anything we are discussing. we are
> discussing the USA interfering with foreign powers,
supporting terrorists when
> it suits them, supporting dictators when it suits
them toppling othjer countries
> govts when it suits them etc etc etc and then
wondering why they piss people off
> in these countries!

EVERY country, yes, EVERY country acts in its own self
interest. That doesn't make it right. But, in a sense,
it's what countries are supposed to do. The US gets
slammed for it because we have the money and power to
make a big difference. And if someone doesn't like what
we do, we're meddling. I wonder, would the world like
it better if we were isolationists?

Having said all that, I'd like to see the US follow a
different strategy. And the world won't like this any
better. Instead of sending soldiers and bombs, I'd send
teachers and build schools. Ah, but wait, do I hear
complaints about us forcing our way of life on the rest
of the world? Probably. So, we should respect other
cultures where feasible and reasonable. But supporting
a Taliban-like culture that opresses women?  No, I
don't think so. 

I'd like to see a world that strives for the ideals of
liberty and justice for all. That's pretty American of
me, I guess. But I don't think they're bad ideals.

(I'll go put on my fire retardant suit now...)

lots of love

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