> I said: But supporting a Taliban-like culture that
> opresses women?
> >
> Colin said:  It aleady does now and it did in the past.
> as the UK does and did. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait to name
> just 2.
> I don't disagree that we're supporting regimes that I
> consider oppressive. But I was actually talking
> hypothetically. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

you arew forgiven!

> I meant
> that if we sent teachers to countries where oppression
> occurs, we would not support that kind of behavior in
> the teachings.

the trouble is woudl these countries allow this?

Also, we have to be so careful. Not all of ideals are good. We have to
be so careful not to think of different peoples with different cultures
etc as bad and inferior who needucating by us suprior white folk.

I want to live in a peaceful world like everyone else. I don't think
ythe world has to live up to the whit wests ideals for that to happen.
(I know you aren;'t suggesting that, Anne)

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