Sorry I am a day late in responding. I ran out yesterday immediately after sending - 
and clearly
did not use spell check  - and I have just gotten round to our discussion again.  But 
I have
returned to take up with your last post Kakki.  Although I just saw a news blurb that 
Senator Bruce Babbit is missiing somewhere in Phoenix Az on a hiking trip and I am a 
disturbed, as I have always been a supporter of his and am concerned for his safe 

Kakki wrote: However, Bush has put forth other judicial appointees since he has been 
in office who
also have been hotley contested.  One is a woman I worked with a few years ago.who 
went on to
becme a local judge. The only reason she was being objected to is because she was a 
Republican.  That and nothing more.  ... Such percedents go both ways.

I agree Kakki, this is why as I said in my revious post, we have a Cld War taking 
place in this
country.  Late last night, I was watching "Crossfire" and they were discussing this 
very issue. 
Both sides had their amo and the fact is that we are going to protect the isssues that 
are most
dear &  important to us.  They argued that as you said thie Bush administration was 
finding it
tougher to get judicial aprovals.  But the other side said, 40 of Bush's appointees 
have been
approved thus far, or about 5 per month.  And that at least they are getting voted on, 
something like 35% of Clinton's never even reached a vote.  So while more of Bush's 
have been
rejected in number, they wouldn't even bring 35%  of Clinton's to a vote.  So it was 
like a
rejection anyway. Plus because so many posts during the Clinton years were not brought 
to vote
there are many more posts to fill during this administration.  So it's all how you see 
the numbers
or want to see them, on either side.  

The fear with "Conservatves" is NOT that they will NOT uphold the law.  But their 
of it.  No one doubts that they are brilliant, law abiding, and may other superlatives 
when it
comes to law and the Constitution.  But like the bible so open to interpretation.  
Being a
feminist and a lesbian, I am sure you can understand my fears for myself, but these 
are not the
only issues that I am concerned with.  I also am a staunch and strict believer in the 
of church and state.  It is my feeling that the "right," especially the far right, 
invoke their
religious beliefs into the issue(s) at hand.  I also follow my  heart as a humanist 
and a
pacifist, as much as possible.  It is sometimes a struggle, but I believe it is 
morally the
correct thing.      

Kakki wrote:
I have read a lot of opinion after 9/11 which seeed to think that the moderates would 
emerge as
the majority vote.

Can't agree more, that the moderates are the majority.  But they seem apathetic and 
wishy washy or
as I said before  NO Backbone!  They are the ones who need to sort out the semantics 
and rhetoric.
 They have always been the the ones to keep the playing field level. Right now it tips 
one way and
then the othe , but this boat doesn't sail very smoothly or does rarely.  This is due 
to a fears
of not being re-elected I think.

Kakki wrote:
I am very much for reducing our dependence and for going towards alternative energy 
sources.  We
should have been more diligent in doing so long ago. It is expensive to convert over to

Again we agree on the said problem.  However, remember before everyone had a computer? 
 Whether it
was business or personal, nobody thoguht they would be able to afford it.  We did and 
look how
relatively economic it is to own one yourself or to have huge networks set up through 
out the
world.  Everyone said, they'd never do it cause it would be too expensive.  We can not 
counting on something that is going to run out.  Also, if they had earnestly dedicated 
to alternatives then and to the research it would have been cheaper and the technology 
or the new
resource may be further advanced and researched.  We have to do this and NOW. We do 
not have a
choice, in my opinion.  And this too is also as you expressed.

I too am with you on feeling fortunate up to now that we have not experienced a 
nuclear situation
in our lifetime and I am with you in praying that this continues.  But I guess we will 
have to
agree to disagree on Bush's response to this and how he handled it.  I just think he 
tries to be
too much of a cowboy.  Finally it has been a pleasure to discuss this here without 
taking swipes
at eachother.  Hey maybe we should be running this operation .... NO THANKS! But 
thanks for making
me think and be better informed.  Counting  on enjoying a big ole Martini at Jonifest 
this year!

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