great question, michael....
isn't it funny how this joni obsession of ours affects our
families/friends, whether they want to be affected or not?

gisele, my partner, had never heard of joni before she met me.
she was a devotee of country music, almost exclusively, so joni
wasn't even on her radar, much less on her turntable.  when we
first got together, we did that CD swap
you've-just-GOT-to-listen-to-this thing, and, because she's a
singer/songwriter, i sent her home with joni.  she was
immediately hooked - on what i sent.  she LOVES blue and c&s and
stas and ti.  she tolerates hissing and djrd, and detests mingus.
but i still consider her a convert.  she's coming to the fest and
everything..... and i caught her the other day looking through
"poems and lyrics"!

my ex-husband wasn't a fan.  he didn't fuss too much when joni
was on the CD player, but he never really *got* it, either.  but
i happened to walk into the room one day while he was asking his
father, a minister, what an "upstairs choir" was, if he'd ever
heard of such a thing.  guess he was listening, after all!

and margaret, my 10-year old.  she and i take turns in the car -
i pick a CD, then she picks a CD.  she always sighs when i choose
joni (though not as loudly as i sigh when she picks n*stink!!),
but her eyes sure lit up last week when we heard BYT in the
grocery store.  maybe there's hope, huh?

Cindy Vickery
Daniel Corporation
205-443-4718 direct
205-443-4615 facsimile

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