>I've been wondering for months now if y'all are *out* JMDLers, and if so, 
>do your friends and significant others think of your *obsession* ? !

Yes....I do get teased, quite a bit!  But the upshot is that I get Joni 
presents on B-days....Christmas...  I have a shrine...sort of....well..a 
multi/media/my favorite things room.....and up against the walls I have 
vinyl Joni...Joni on easels....just joni stuff.  So whenever I let somebody 
into my world...I get comments  like, "you really like her!! " or  "who is 
that woman?"  (out the door they go....real fast..)   I have a sister who 
likes Joni BUT  whenever she is in my car and I try to slip a Joni CD 
in....she bulks...her reaction is that she is soooooo depressing.  
DEPRESSING??????  My best friend of twenty years thinks she is a hell of a 
songwriter, BUT does not particularly care for her voice or is not really 
moved by her music.  Another friend,well he appreciates Joni.....but he 
really tries for me....  SO outside of this list...I have no one that I 
really can share this passion with.  (sometimes makes for a lonely world)

Interesting question.

Btw, thanks for being the conduit a couple of weeks ago.  :-)

Take care,


>Just wondering what your experience is like, beyond the List...

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