my husband never listened or knew much about joni until he met me...i sure
didn't know half of what i know now before i joined the jmdl...

jeff had always been a dylan, prine, waitts, kind of guy...but then there
was that fateful evening when i asked him to watch joni's tnt special & he
was really moved by the songs...especially cindy lauper's version of

then we went to a small gathering of jmdler's in los angeles...hung out a
bit & played some music which hooked him in pretty good!...when i told him
about jonifest 2001 he thought about it & said he thought it would be a fun
thing to do for a vacation...he had such a good time, there was no question
about whether we were going this year!

when i produced our local songwriters tribute to joni mitchell & he wanted
to learn a song but ran out of time...however, this year he has learned one
of her songs!

a lot of my friends are musicians & songwriters...i can't think of anyone
who doesn't think joni is one of the bestest there is...i've met only a few
(non musician) folks who say they never got into her & i never talk to them
again (kidding) ... most people i know are huge fans...(maybe not as
knowledgeable as most of you but they do love her songs)

i found out just how many fans she has in this town when i produced my first
songwriters tribute to joni mitchell last year...the place was packed!!!!!!
& i heard the show got quite the buzz around town for a long time...

when i tell people about the jonifest i say we are going to a small festival
where musicians who have been heavily influenced by joni come from all over
the world to play with each other...

i put it on my gig page as a private event...

Kate Bennett:
Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
Over the Moon-
"bringing the melancholy world of twilight
to life almost like magic" All Music Guide

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