Good question! (and one that's never been posed here!)

I tend to talk about all my friends on the list and not
really about Joni. So, I think some people think it's a
little funny that I know people from around the world,
but they think it less strange when I mention those
whom I've met at JoniFests. 

After seeing my reaction when you all sent all the Joni
memorabilia via Ashara to me two years ago, I think my
family sees my involvement in the list as a good thing.
They also know I have lots of love and support here
(which I am really grateful for), so they've gotten
used to it.

Growing up, I was more fanatical about Joni, and a bit
more influenced by her in general. Since I started
writing my own songs, I feel a bit more like I'm in the
"school of Joni" as a songwriter, but that I don't
aspire to be her, or emulate her personally. 

lots of love

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