"Blasphemous Bob" Muller wrote:

"I agree...despite our passion for her here, she is barely a blip on the
radar screen in the big scheme of things. Look at the RS survey that Sybil
mentions...Joni didn't score ONE record in the top 100 of all time! "

I must demur (apparently with the notion of what constitutes the big scheme 
of things). I will not be around to know the answer, but it would not shock 
me if 30 years from now only a very few of the albums whose names appear on 
the top 100 list will still be on the same list when it is re-compiled. Yes, 
the Beatles (and a handful of the others) will endure. But not most. Here, I 
am substituting the enduring quality of art as a measure of the big scheme of 
things, but on a spiritual plane, there is more to it even than that IMO - 
even if it fails to endure, if it was great and is great, it remains so - 
even if its recognition is dormant. Comments by the artists of our time 
reflect that sentiment (whether it is from Jimmy Page (or Robert Plant), or 
Adam Duritz, or Tori Amos, or KD Lang, or David Crosby, or Dave Matthews, or 
Tony Bennet, or John Mellencamp, etc.). Really, we should make a list of the 
top 100 amazing things that have been said or written about her by people who 
have at least some right to claim their opinion counts. (I am not talking 
here about ordinary praise - but the truly extraordinary statements). I do 
wonder whether 50 or 100 years from now, some of her work will live on (at 
least among historians and cognescenti of popular music), as Crosby once 

Now, as for her record sales, at 300,000, that is fine with me. I like to 
think of myself as being in the top tenth of one percent of pop music 
appreciators. Any higher sales than that might threaten my percentile 
ranking. I count only the English speaking countries in this; still, I 
suppose we could go to 500,000 or so and I would still be OK.

Why are the numbers so low ? My theory, still unshaken, is that the average 
American is a scary thing. That counts Canada - big time, in this case. Are 
you folks kidding ? She is your national treasure, for cryin out loud ! I 
absolve those Americans from non-English speaking countries from being guilty 
merely by virtue of JM's record sales (but my accusation stands on all other 
grounds, so I shall allow it to stand undelimited). As far as those of you 
from the UK, Australia and New Zealand go, at least she is not a resident or 
a citizen - so I could understand the rejection there on grounds of 
chauvinism, bias and/or jealousy. However, I am afraid that my instinct is 
that the average Brit, Aussie and New Zealander is also a scary thing ;-)

The artists' and critics' polls place Joni much higher on the scales than 
that (see the old VH1 polls in this regard) - I weigh that more heavily in my 
view of whether Joni has made more than a blip on the screen of artistic 
merit. Should Joni care more about whether other artists admire her work, or 
more semi-literate, tone deaf, sugar loving record buyers ?  Which is the big 
scheme of things for her ?

Frankly, I am a bit surprised that the JMDL even became aware of the RS poll 
- does anyone here actually buy that rag ? ;-). Clearly, I would not choose 
to be associated with such a cloddish, insensitive, semi-literate, uneducated 
lot. Oh, this poll must be findable on the internet - thank goodness, and 
never mind !

Bob S.

PS - If anyone accuses me of offending them via the above, my reply in 
advance is the classic from the world of top 100, pop music "Oops, I did it 

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