kakki wrote:
> I bought 4 of the hatboxes - two for gifts and two to keep - (none were
> damaged).  I liked it even though it was a money splurge.

Lucky you that none of the 4 were damaged! My cd was so scratched it
skipped horribly and I ended up returning the whole thing and later
getting just the plain cd. 

> For the past few
> years I've always had a little fear of "will this be her last one?" so it
> makes me go more overboard at this point, I guess!

Considering the way she talks about wanting to only paint, that fear
about each cd being her last makes sense. I don't believe her, though,
especially since she's been saying that for 30 years. Based on what
she's done with her life, I think she needs to create music just as (and
maybe even more) compulsively as she needs to paint so I expect to hear
more music from her, including some new stuff in a few years, provided
she stays healthy and I hope that's always the case. 

Debra Shea

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