I personally am very proud of my adulthood long, since
ordination, involvement in the Religious Coalition for
Reproductive Rights, formerly the Religious Coalition for
Abortion Rights.

The issue is far too involved to be reduced to slogans.
 Reality is far more complex than simplistic answers.  

Decisions made must be done by each individual woman and
her medical consultant and, if she so chooses and desires,
her spiritual counselor, if she has one and/or wants one.
 Decisions must be made in the reality of each woman's own
life.  It is not the government's place to intrude on
medical decisions made by an individual in her own

There is an old slogan: if men could get pregnant, abortion
would be a sacrament.  That is over-stated, to be sure, but
the jist of it is correct.  

I thank God for the Roe vs Wade decision because at last we
secured safe, legal, and medically adequete medical
treatment for all women.  I fear that decision being rolled
back by the same people who oppose government funding for
the lives, for the good and the WELFARE of people.   

Abortion is always sad.  But it is sometimes the best
option of perhaps a series of bad options that a woman is
presented with by the realities of life.  And as fetus is a
fetus.  It is not a life.  It is a potential life.  Roe v
Wade has provisions for fetus' that are viable outside the
womb.  But for a non viable fetus, it remains a fetus, not
a person, and sometimes tough decisions have to be made in
the light of the realities of many circumstances in the
life of each individual.  May the right to make that choice
continue without encroaching government interference.

(the Rev) Vince
who has been called a baby killer and physically attacked
by so-called RTLers more times that I care to remember; the
battle to preserve choice goes on       

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