> How many of us were wanted and planned?  I know I wasn't...

Nor was I.

> The point is Lori..we don't know how these lives would have turned
> out.  And who are you to say or anybody to prognosticate  and decide
> their lives would have been fucked up...not worth living?

As I wrote previously, "I am one."  I would've been the mom.  Moms, and 
potential moms, have to prognosticate to some extent, and they have to 
make difficult decisions.

When I was 24 I became pregnant.  It was not planned.  Up until that 
time I'd always believed and said that, should I become pregnant, I 
would keep and raise my child.  However, I added up what was going on 
with me at the time:  I was jobless, using myriad drugs and alcohol 
like an idiot, I reacted to things based on the experience of my home 
life (drunk and abusive father, angry mother, both of whom could *snap* 
at a moment's notice), and my coping abilities were immature at best.  
So I made the decision that I would not bring another life into this 
world because I wasn't sure the baby would be healthy, and because I 
couldn't deal with it.

Maybe that was a cop-out?  Otoh, when I was 18 I *thought* I might be 
pregnant (I turned out not to be), and my own mother suggested that her 
medical insurance pay for an abortion, because she did not want to see 
me "screw up" my life at that young age.

I very often regret my decision, but it was the right one.  I'm 
thankful that the procedure, though emotionally and physically painful, 
was medically safe.


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