Decisions made must be done by each individual woman and
her medical consultant and, if she so chooses and desires,
her spiritual counselor, if she has one and/or wants one.
Decisions must be made in the reality of each woman's own
life.  It is not the government's place to intrude on
medical decisions made by an individual in her own

I have long thought this. the only person who shoudl decide whetehr or not to abort is the woman who is pregnant.
My preference would be that no abortion happened, that all children were wnated, loved and cared for. That is not the case and never will be.
Women find themselves pregant for all sorts of reasons, some of them traumatic. It is not ones right to force her to do what she doesn't want to do.

Perhaps the anit abortionists should be prepared to love and care for the child themselves?

I am amazed at the amount of people who are anti abortion but pro captial punishment and pro war.


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