Lucy Hone wrote:

>Catherine wrote......
>Lucy and Colin - when Brits start talking about food,
>>I never have a clue what they're talking about.
>>Ironic, that, since my grandmother was English.
>>The dog sleepover thing made me laugh. I bet you don't
>>get any sleep at all with the constant carrying-on
>>that happens when two dogs meet (over and over
>I go to France a lot and just love all the sea food... and also like
>Escargots... So many people blanche at the thought of snails but... Cooked
>in their shells, Drenched in garlic butterand parsley, and eaten with hunks
>of fresh bread I think they are one of the little things that everyone
>should try..... the number of French who place snails in front of you
>thinking you will say "EEEEEWW" (I do think the USA has proveided a
>wonderful expression there) and look quite shocked when your eyes light
>up..... Good to have one over on the French they still have not got over
>Agincourt so its a good thing to keep them on their toes....(don't you think
>so Colin .....even if you hate snails)..
I am faird to say i have eaten them as you describe, will eat anything, 
but didn't enjoy them. The only food i have eaten that really made me 
feel ill was in Japanese Sushi bar.

>Things I will not eat are... BRAINS,
dipped in breadcrumbs and fired. mmmmm


> COD ROE (but will eat caviar)
ick to both

double ick

Black Pudding-is good1


>and will only eat liver if I
>cook it myself....
same her-so it is still pink.

>I took Dan the dog and his mate (Smokey the Whoppet ...huge whippety thing
>but too small for a greyhound and too big for a whippet but NOT a lurcher)
>and another dog friend for a walk and it was beautiful and then all of a
>sudden it just blizzarded snow from absolutely NOWHERE.... Ah the beauty of
same here. we have a whit out. sevral ins in juts an hour. The dogs LOVE IT.

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