Bree wrote
Mashed potatoes and beans?  I find this interesting.. two heavy duty carbs
> at one meal.  Okay..Lucy and Colin.. what is porridge (sp?)?

Mashed potatoes have to be piled into a mound with a huge dob of butter in
it which is then concealed to "erupt" into the beans....... I DID say these
were childhood things and carbs on a cold day are soooooo comforting... Yep
load up with those carbs......

Porridge is a torture designed by the Scots to slow down the English..... My
daughter loves it..I hate it...

You buy "oats" these are not the oats you give to horses but sort of white
crushed things (like you use in Flapjacks? or is that another thing you
don't know about.....or are flapjacks something else in the US and
Canada...same language different perspective..ANY WAY Flapjacks here
are..... oats, butter, golden syrup all mixed together and then smeared into
a pan and baked.... YUMMMMMYYYYY)

Take some oats.(Quaker Brand is the best known one).. not a lot (half a cup
or less) cos they swell... put them in a pan.... Now here the company will
divide.... there are those who say you add only water and salt... there are
others who say you add MILK  and a bit of butter.... I hate the stuff either
You add enough water (or milk) to cover the oats and about half again and
apply heat.... keep stirring the horrid stuff until it starts to congeal..
add more liquid until it is either runny or thick depending on your
depravity..... You then turn the ghastly stodge into a bowl and top it with
sugar or golden syrup or whatever..some people  have it with peanut
butter........others with jam or raisins or chocolate sauce...... I hate
porridge because of its texture.... I have tried it smooth or stodgey and
its horrible....BLEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH. Looks like sick....

Oats make a great addition to the crumble on Apple Crumble and wonderful on
the crust of home baked bread... Hey, those of you in UK..ASDA are selling
Pacific Bread makers for under #30.... I bought one today and I am going to
try my first loaf tonight!!!! YUP MORE CARBS...

Despite my raving about all the foods I fancied for todays weird weather
(two whiteouts and another coming but not one speck of snow left to show for
any of it......... I told you we have wierd weather) We will have chicken
stirfry with noodles...... Now I am sure you are all feeling relieved!!!!!

That ends the culinary bulleitein from OLD (real)Hampshire  in OLD
(real)England from Lucy (who has resisted the application of Stepford Wives
apron despite her the domestic tone of her day!!!) Both dogs are asleep on
the couches (Bad dogs.... Oh ..... Bad dogs) in my lounge and stir only to
wag tails as I check on them and tell them to shift, and then they just go
back to sleep!!!

I want to be my dog in my next life, but then that would involve being
conscious to two levels of existance and I find one hard enough!

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