Colin, I agree. I lost 7 stone (nearly 100 lbs) in 7 months on a low carb, high protein, low fat diet two years ago. I'd tried low fat diets on their own before but they didn't work. A soon as I dropped the carbs, the weight started to fall off. I'd been in a bad relationship and got depressed, started eating, which made my asthma worse so I couldn't exercise, which meant I ate more, and on and on, vicious circle, until I reached 205 lbs which is nearly 15 stone, and I'm only 5 ft 2 ins. It probably took about 7 years of concerted eating to get me there.

One day I was working past a car window at a fair in Ramsgate, and I caught sight of myself and for a brief moment I thought it was Hattie Jacques - remember her?

! There was an article in, I think, yesterday's Telegraph that carbs actually change the brain's chemistry when you eat them, leaving you addicted because the brain produces an opiate in response to them, and once you've experienced that feeling, the brain sends you back for more. It is the same opiate that heroin produces. They said that the carbs and fat combination in just one junk meal is enough to get the addiction started.
yes this has been known for some time now. Just ask any addict.

The good thing about low carb is that after a few days the craving goes, your appetitte decrease and you begin to felel really good. Okay, you can feel awful for 1 week maybe 2 but if you persevere it will pass and then wow, you really feel good.

is topped being veggy tho as it wa simpossible to do this otherwise.

Not only that, the mood swings have lessened, the bowell movements down to one a day instead of 6, the fatigue ahs gone and the constant hunger and cravings.

Recent studies also show that what you eat has verylittle to do with Cholesterol levels. It also appears that it is the carbs in combo with the fat that cause the haert problems.

Also, your body relaeses insulin when you eat carbs. this brings your blood sugar level down and makes you hungry again very quickly. nd you eventually can start producing anti bodies to the insulin and then you are in shit. Low carb keeps the blood sgar level.

In the old daysm, people di not eat the amount of carbns we do now.

I put on loads of weight when I had liver disease and was davised, badly, to eat a low fat high carb diet! Wr=orst thing I could have done. I was slim until then and then put on 100lbs which was put down to my inactivity thru being ill whenin fact it the was the carbn. The symtpoms I had were also of Celiacs(allergy to wheat) but they didn't twig to it and just kept saying it was because of cirrhoiss.(casued by medication-now gone).


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