>>>>debra shea wrote
            >>>>True, although if there's a huge gap in the way people are
communicating, then it's just not a good relationship "fit" and that needs
to be recognized from the start.

im another one who had a very negative reaction to this song initially as it
describes so clearly a major cause of the break uup of my marriage. i was
the one who wouldnt talk. instead of just labelling me as a jerk, perhaps
theres a reason for it???

the major reason i got married was, ironically enough, to have someone to
talk to. i tried to talk but it just didnt work. after spilling my guts to
her about something i had never told another living -or even dead :-) - soul
my entire life - she went & blurted it out to a pair of casual acquaintances
a few days later.....  (there was nothing huge about the facts of what i
told her - just about my emotional involvement with it....)

there were countless similar incidents. id tell her about something about
something precious to me. and shed treat it like garbage. so guess what - i
just stopped talking. then she started nagging me to talk. constantly.  just
like joni :-)

nagging a man to talk aint gonna work. not ever. odds are youll just drive
him away. creating an atmosphere of trust probably will work in most cases.
let him know he can trust you with his secrets. let him know youll treasure
them no matter how stupid they may seem to you. and where those secrets may
hurt you - well i dont know - deal with it maturely & respectfully. harshing
on him for what he says & then just nagging about talking will just drive
him away so much quicker.

one of the reasons i love this group is that i can talk on it - and find
people who connect with what i say. and people i dont connect with who still
treat what i say with respect. thats a rare thing to find...


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