Hi Ron,

> i actually do know a few people like that where we can sit & talk for
> hours & hours & when you look up the restaurants closed & all the staff
> have gone (really happened to me once..)

I think Joni would fit right into that crowd and probably would continue the
conversation out in the parking lot long afterward, tequila anaconda and all

> but thats a different issue to intimate communication between a man &
> woman (or any other combination you may prefer!!!). i must admit im not
> actually too clear on what joni is saying in the song as to what type of
> communication she is talking about - is it casual, or intimate. i always
> took it as the latter.

Yes, there is a total difference between yapping away with a bunch of pals
and being discreet and trustworthy in an intimate relationship.  I take the
song as her trying to get a guy she is either intimate with, or wants to be
intimate with, to open up and not let her do all the talking all the time.
But maybe she doesn't know when to shut off her own stream of consciousness.
She does seem to indicate she is aware of that in the song and also admits
to paying a price for talking too open and free where she might cross the
liine and blurt out something that should have stayed confidential. Maybe
she needs to sit back a bit and listen and try to pick up the non-verbal
cues he is communicating.  It's hard to tell if Mr. Mystery is rejecting her
or bored or maybe he is highly entertained by it all and doesn't mind if he
can't get a word in edgewise!  It could be a case of incompatibility or a
case of opposites complementing each other.


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