kakki wrote:

>   It's hard to tell if Mr. Mystery is rejecting her
> or bored or maybe he is highly entertained by it all and doesn't mind if he
> can't get a word in edgewise!

My sense is that she thinks it is more than that-like a blockage
on his part that makes him withhold. After suggesting a rash of
subjects they could discuss, and assuring him she would listen to
whatever he would say, wise or silly, she throws a slew of questions
at him:

Is your silence that golden?
Are you comfortable in it?
Is it the key to your freedom
Or is it the bars on your prison?
Are you gagged by your ribbons?
Are you really exclusive or just miserly?

Then she admonishes

You spend every sentence as if it was marked currency!

It seems like she is trying to break through his wall.
Then again, he could be like the guy in the bar in "Raised
On Robbery" who just wants to be left alone and watch
the game!

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