Randy wrote:

> My sense is that she thinks it is more than that-like a blockage
> on his part that makes him withhold.

> Is your silence that golden?
> Are you comfortable in it?
> Is it the key to your freedom
> Or is it the bars on your prison?
> Are you gagged by your ribbons?
> Are you really exclusive or just miserly?
> Then she admonishes
> You spend every sentence as if it was marked currency!

Good point.  In the lyrics she does go from being lighthearted and self
deprecating about herself to challenging and going a bit on the attack with
him here.  It reminds me of a Peanuts cartoon where Lucy's mouth opens extra
wide to scream at poor little quiet Linus to get his attention.

> It seems like she is trying to break through his wall.
> Then again, he could be like the guy in the bar in "Raised
> On Robbery" who just wants to be left alone and watch
> the game!

As Paz has mentioned, he talked to Joni about the song and the tequila
anaconda.  Paz thought the restaurant was Dan Tana's which is a kind of old
New York Italian, celeb and musician haunt next to the Troubadour.  Ever
since I heard that I've pictured her sitting there at the smoky bar
incessantly chatting up the non-responsive guy.  I had this thought that
maybe he just had indigestion from the huge platters of pasta and tumblers
of drinks they serve there and was simply in the semi-coma carb and Chianti
zone ;-)


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