
>On the other hand, one of the stated aims of JSP was to separate
>presentation from content, in order to allow HTML people
>(non-programmers by assumption) to do the presentation while
>the programmers create the content.
I agree with the first half of this sentence, but I'm not sure about
the second.  I don't think non-programmers can/want to write raw
scripts, no matter how accomodating the language is. Those
non-programmers are probably using some IDE tools to
create the HTML content rather than writing raw HTML code.
If that is the case, then one could argue than IDE tools
should hide the syntactic chores of JSP, rather than requiring the
language itself to accomodate those non-programmers.

That said, I'm not particularly against bringing back those
"macros" in 1.0, since I can see that they can be useful.


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