I know sometimes people will start saying things here on the net that sound a 
little rude. I don't think they really mean it that way. But it does start to 
get old special when people aren't flying and they start talking about How 
unsafe something is or is not. I have flown with a Aft CG a couple times you 
better be on your toes when you do it. It can be done it's not safe but again 
it can be done. There are people out there they will take some of this as 
gospel when it's not. Dennis Pointer was a good example for those that remember 
him. He crashed a really nice looking KR going to the Oklahoma flying. Then he 
got lost coming back to denton and when he did make it he ran off the runway 
took out some signage and flipped upside down. That was the last of his 
airplane. I had gone to his shop because we were getting ready to test fly the 
airplane and I found him with a tail off. I asked what was going on and he said 
he talk to somebody and they thought his tail was too small.  This was before 
the Internet and that person had never flown in one had never been in one he 
was building one. But he never finished.I talked Dennis  into putting it back 
like it was and I test flew the airplane two months later for him. I Put about 
seven or eight hours on it. It was a very nice flying airplane with a 2180 
turbo. He never could handle it. That was the same year that Les Palmer lost 
the drive belt and had to put it down in Durant. He went home got his trailer 
and went ahead and brought it up to Oklahoma flying. As a lot of people will 
tell you build the airplane quit trying to change things that don't need to be 
changed the airplane is a proven design and they have made some nice 
modifications over the years. My KR was an original stretch that I acquired in 
1990 and got it flying again. I had the standard tail the original wings 
started out with a 65 horse finally went to an 0 200. Had a lot of fun with the 
airplane before I had to sell it. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 16, 2022, at 8:45 AM, Flesner via KRnet <krnet@list.krnet.org> wrote:
>> On 7/15/2022 10:24 PM, MS wrote:
>> > "Flesner Larry. I think you need glasses or take more time to read posts." 
>> Yeah Larry . . .  more time sanding and less time whinging.  You've almost 
>> got that bird ready for test flying by now I think so just finish her up and 
>> don't exceed aft CG or you'll die.  Maybe.
>> Mike 
>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Mike,
> I can only assume your post is intended to be humorous when using the smiley 
> face and knowing I have 18 years and 800 hours on my KR.  I hope all netters 
> take it that way.  
> In an attempt to "beat a dead horse" and bring a close to this thread I can 
> only say the following.  Words have meaning.  On the KR net we should never 
> consider the discussion on safety as "arguing" or "whining".  I prefer to 
> think of it as "discussing", "promoting", "encouraging", and above all 
> "practicing" safety.  I've lost more than one friend in their KR, one on the 
> boundaries of my home airport, and other friends that have had accidents and 
> fortunately survived.  When net members like Mark Langford, Jeff Scott, both 
> 1000+ hour KR pilots, and other high time KR drivers offer advise on safety 
> issues you would be well advised to take it seriously. 
> If you are working on a project, make it a priority or it most likely will 
> never fly.  As "Larry the Cable Guy" would say, "GET-ER DONE".................
> Larry Flesner
> -- 
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