On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Mark Plowman wrote:

> David,
> through the Firewall works (console, X forwarding etc.), I *can't* see
> the listening sockets on[7-9] on this Win 95 box with a
> "netstat -a".
> Seems like a Win NT/Win 95 difference.  I will have to investigate...
Sorry. I assumed they all behaved the same way. I have only tested it on
NT and 2K.
> > If you don't want to use \\\ then you can try adding MS
> > Loopback as an additional adapter to your WinXX machine and give it
> > a non- address probably in one of the non-routable blocks
> > ie; Then you don't blow away localhost functionality of
> > whatever you tunnel.
> Sorry, I don't understand the above.  What do you mean with "don't
> blow away localhost functionality of whatever you tunnel" ?
A service on any machine is an IP:SOCKET combination. If you have setup
your local machine to be the source end of a tunnel for any port, then
that service cannot be made available on the local machine too because
both have the"XXX" combination. So essentially, if you create
an alias for your loopback adapter by adding an MS-Loopback device to the
tcp protocol stack but with a different address, you can tunnel the
ALIAS:SOCKET combination and still have local access to the

I have a "xxxxxxxxx" running on my laptop and the same thing running
on my server. When I do development work on the laptop I just point to and when I want to use "production" on the server at the end of
the tunnel I use the alias address.

> > > Greetings
> > > Mark
David B. Cook, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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