
> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 20:39:03 -0400 (EDT)
> From: "David B. Cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Mark Plowman wrote:

> > through the Firewall works (console, X forwarding etc.), I *can't*
> > see the listening sockets on[7-9] on this Win 95 box
> > with a "netstat -a".
> >
> > Seems like a Win NT/Win 95 difference.  I will have to
> > investigate...
> >
> Sorry. I assumed they all behaved the same way. I have only tested
> it on NT and 2K.

Indeed, on my NT box here at work, I *do* see the listening sockets.

However the "Start -> Find -> Computer \\\ -> Find Now" trick
*doesn't* "dive" down the tunnel and reveal the pot of gold at the end

It seems to make no difference if I use Win NT / Win 95, Tunellier /
PuTTY.  If I try it with a linux box ("ssh user@localhost -L...") and
then do a "smbclient -L", it works like a dream.  If I break off the
ssh session it doesn't (proof by inversion?).

All very strange.

> > > If you don't want to use \\\ then you can try adding MS
> > > Loopback as an additional adapter to your WinXX machine and give
> > > it a non- address probably in one of the non-routable
> > > blocks ie; Then you don't blow away localhost
> > > functionality of whatever you tunnel.
> >
> > Sorry, I don't understand the above.  What do you mean with "don't
> > blow away localhost functionality of whatever you tunnel" ?
> A service on any machine is an IP:SOCKET combination. If you have
> setup your local machine to be the source end of a tunnel for any
> port, then that service cannot be made available on the local
> machine too because both have the"XXX" combination. So
> essentially, if you create an alias for your loopback adapter by
> adding an MS-Loopback device to the tcp protocol stack but with a
> different address, you can tunnel the ALIAS:SOCKET combination and
> still have local access to the LOCALHOST:SOCKET combination.

OK, I get where your going to.  The confusion came because I was
sitting behind the Win 95 box and (as far as I can see) you can't add
an "MS Loopback adapter".

Here on my Win NT box I can and I have, but the "Start -> Find ->
Computer \\\ -> Find Now" trick *still* doesn't work!

> I have a "xxxxxxxxx" running on my laptop and the same thing running
> on my server. When I do development work on the laptop I just point
> to and when I want to use "production" on the server at
> the end of the tunnel I use the alias address.

Question: Is your laptop connected to MS Domain/WorkGroup when it's
not connected to the production server?

Both my Win 95 box at home and my Win NT box at work are connected to
a WorkGroup/Domain respectively.  Perhaps that is part of the problem
I experience...

Unless someone can see my obvious mistake or help me find it, I think
that I will have to limit the forwarding to making the "Intranet"
server available to the "Road-Warriors".

Thanks again,



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