"David B. Cook" wrote:

> I have found the same thing. In fact, I have yet to deply my
> EigerSteinBeta2 for exactly that reason. I seem to quite frequently get
> floppy errors and I'm not comfortable on its stability. Is the problem the
> format, the physical drives or what? I was beginning to think I was doing
> something stupid.
> Maybe I should just accept the fact and move to an a:/b: floppy?
> dbc.

Here are some of the rules I use with my floppies which have proved reasonably
1.  Don't backup stuff that is not necessary - such as root.lrp.  If memory
happens to be filled with logs etc - root may corrupt and you may not be aware of
it until the next reboot.
2.  Since my router only reboots about every four months, I always leave the
floppies part way out of the drives.  Reboots can fail when the diskette surface
is coated with dust settling in over several months through the open diskette
window.  I have found dust to be the biggest enemy of my LEAF images.  You could
call this the paranoid write protect method.
3.  I always change LEAF images over from 1680 to two 1.44.  The advantage is that
you can move files to the floppy from DOS or Windows without fear of corruption.
This also allows you to use DOS diskcopy to keep archive copies.  I always backup
firewall changes to the second set of floppies.  The reliability is well worth the
minor inconvenience and cost (less than $10) for a new floppy drive.  Of course
2.88 megs of space is always useful.
4.  Always remember to mount and umount a floppy when "playing around" - not using
the lrcfg backup program.  The first time I forgot to umount a diskette and
removed it, it taught me the hard way.

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