On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, David B. Cook wrote:

> I have found the same thing. In fact, I have yet to deply my
> EigerSteinBeta2 for exactly that reason. I seem to quite frequently get
> floppy errors and I'm not comfortable on its stability. Is the problem the
> format, the physical drives or what? I was beginning to think I was doing
> something stupid.

I mentioned two possible mistakes below, and one environmental effect.

There is one other effect you may be missing, depending how you are
generating your floppies: formatting.  You must insure that the extra
space on the 1680K disk gets formatted before you write an image to it, or
that portion of the disk won't work reliably.

Most LRPers seem to regard the write protectability of floppies as a
necessity, and learn to keep regular backups. I gave up and went flash,
because restoring the backup became a hassle when the floppies died every
few months due to dust.

> Maybe I should just accept the fact and move to an a:/b: floppy?

In my case, this would not help.  I have not found an appreciable
difference between 1680K reliability and 1440K reliability.

> dbc.
> On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> > On Fri, 28 Sep 2001, David McBride wrote:
> >
> > > I am having a lot of I/O errors with my floppys.  I have changed the cable
> > > and drive already.  What is a good brand of floppy to work woth the 1680KB
> > > format?
> >
> > I tend to use whatever generic brand I come across.  If the format fails,
> > into the trash it goes.
> >
> > I/O errors can arise if you are attempting to back up to a full disk or
> > if the disk is mounted when you attempt to back up. I have also
> > encountered continuing problems with disks that have experienced either of
> > these mistakes until I re-wrote another image on them (I suppose fsck
> > might have done just as well, but rewriting the image was easier).
> >
> > Always keep backups of your floppies.  I keep a history of images to refer
> > to later.
> >
> > Dust is also a continuing problem for me.  Thus comes the attraction of an
> > old hard disk or a flash disk.
> >
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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