At 10:48 28/09/01 -0700, Victor McAllister wrote:
>Reboots can fail when the diskette surface
>is coated with dust settling in over several months through the open diskette
>window.  I have found dust to be the biggest enemy of my LEAF images.

Sorry to come back to this thread almost a week after it naturally ended, 
but how about giving the floppy a spin every day (or every few days) by 
putting something in crontab?  Wouldn't that give it a bit of a dust off 
and so prolong the life of the disk, or at least expose a different bit of 
disc and spread the dust around more evenly so preventing damage?

To achieve this I've added a line to my crontab file:

00 6    * * *   root    /bin/mount -t msdos -o ro /dev/fd0u1680 /mnt; 
/bin/umount /mnt

I'm not all that experienced at all this, so could someone with a bit more 
expertise let me know what they think of this?  If moving the disk is 
probably going to help, is mounting and umounting a good way to do it?


Julian Church


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