
I run some mailing lists and use demime to strip html and other
crap out of incoming submissions, both to the list proper
and to the list-request address.

It is my understanding that the latest AOL mail program is
incapable of sending email that is NOT html.

Bill Dudley

> At 2002-03-18 09:50 -0600, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> > > Is this change to draconian?
> >
> >I don't think this is draconian, but you can probably save yourself
> >some list admin work.
> >
> >I suggest some additions to the auto-responder e-mail:
> Charles,
> Unfortunately, there is nothing auto about the response.
> <good suggestions snipped>
> >NOTE:  I removed the part about creating a SF support request.  The
> >mail list works the way we as a group decide it should...there should't
> >be an SF support request just because someone can't post with their
> >favorite HTML stationary, add GIF smiley's, or whatever...
> I added the SF support request option to cover people who have employers 
> that attach mime/html footers to all outgoing mail. I probably could have 
> expressed this better.
> >Maybe something like:
> Note: I don't think we need to specify the maximum post size (64Kb). Very 
> few text/plain messages will exceed this size.
> Revised edition below:
> Please configure your email client [1] to send text/plain messages to
> this list. Instead of attachments, you should include any diagnostic 
> information as in-line text in the main message body.
> [1] http://www.expita.com/nomime.html
> Details:
> Only messages with a Content-type: of "text/plain" and
> "multipart/signed" are automatically posted to the list. All other
> content-types are held for administrative action.
> Alternate Support:
> If your employer attaches a footer to all outgoing mail that isn't 
> text/plain, you may submit a support request using the LEAF Tracker [2].
> [2] https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=13751&atid=213751
> If you have any questions about this policy, please send them to
> --
> Mike Noyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://sourceforge.net/users/mhnoyes/
> http://leaf-project.org/

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