This sounds just like what I had happening a few weeks ago when I
to the released version of Dachstein from the release candidate. I
solved it by swapping in a kernel that had serial support compiled in
but never was able to figure out why serial.o wouldn't work. Is it
possible that the newer kenel in the released version is incompatible
with the serial.o module?

Kory Krofft

Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
> > Thanks for the response. Here is where I am so far...
> >
> > [1] modified /etc/inittab so that my serial terminal line looks like this:
> > T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100
> > also, I did verify that the serial port is set for com1
> >
> > [2] added ttyS0 as the first entry on the list in /etc/securetty
> >
> > [3] backed up /etc
> >
> > [4] rebooted
> >
> > [5] didn't get anything on the terminal but I did start getting the
> message
> > below on my leaf box:
> >
> > INIT: Id "T0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> >
> > The above message repeats itself about very 5 minutes... Any ideas as too
> > what this may mean would be appreciated.
> The message means getty is dying, causing init to re-start it.  If init has
> to respawn a process too frequently, it temporarily disables the service to
> prevent excessive consumption of system resources.
> Typically, when you see this message it means there's some configuration
> problem with the indicated service, and it never properly starts at all (ie
> it exits instantly, causing init to re-spawn the process thousands of times
> a second).  Try running the command from a command prompt.  You'll probably
> get an error message indicating what's wrong.
> You should also check your log files for any errors...
> Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)
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