Hello Eric,

For me the serial console works on Bering, without compiling a 
I am using the 2.4.18 kernel and the matching serial.o from Jaques 

My syslinux.cfg starts with the folowing lines:

serial 0 19200 0
display syslinux.dpy    #(displays nicely on my serial console)

serial.o is stored in /boot/lib/modules (like my IDE modules) and is 
loaded from  /boot/etc/modules

(don't forget to backup root.lrp)

I also had the problem with getty respawning, in my case because 
COM1 was disabled in the computers BIOS.

Good luck!  

> Thanks for the response. Here is where I am so far...
> [1] modified /etc/inittab so that my serial terminal line looks like
> this: T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100 also, I did verify
> that the serial port is set for com1
> [2] added ttyS0 as the first entry on the list in /etc/securetty
> [3] backed up /etc
> [4] rebooted
> [5] didn't get anything on the terminal but I did start getting the
> message below on my leaf box:
> INIT: Id "T0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
> The above message repeats itself about very 5 minutes... Any ideas as
> too what this may mean would be appreciated.

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