Just want to say that I personally would never use a filing system that uses
MRIN's or RIN's as the basis.

The reason?   Several years ago, I did (MRINs) - and then something
happened, and all my MRINs got changed.   Fortunately, I had on all my file
folders the Surname, Firstname, so was able to rearrange them.

And even though Legacy is fantastic software, From having done computer
genealogy for 20 years now, I realize that the likelyhood is that at some
point, there may be a reason that I will need or decide to change software -
and my MRIN's and RIN's could get "messed up" then.

As I also got sick of duplicates being required for more than one family, I
now use a document numbered system.  Has advantages, and of course some
disadvantages too.

Just a thought to keep in mind though

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